Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Everybody Hates Hipsters

Everybody also hates blog posts about hipsters. But I'm trying not to care too much about what other people think so I'll elaborate on my thoughts about hipsters, even if it means being labelled one.

Hipsters weren't always regarded with a proverbial groan. The term hipster was originally associated with the jazz subculture in the 1940s. It was a positive term. Unfortunately, in contemporary society anything perceived to be 'hip' or out of the norm is associated with negative connotations. Thus, the genesis of hipster: our western society's backwards views on subcultures and intellect.

Indeed, the second you bring up the topic of 'hipsters' you're setting yourself up for a long conversation that will never really go anywhere nor ever define the term. Because a 'hipster' can no longer be defined. Everybody is a hipster because everybody can be classified as 'hip' or superior in a cultural or intellectual way to another individual.

Well, nearly everybody. Probably not these people:

But let's just pretend they don't exist.

So basically 'hipster' is just a catch-all phrase for anybody who threatens another person's intellect and cultural superiority. Instead of trying to understand each other's complexities, the non-hipster in this hypothetical scenario will just slap on the dreaded hipster label to compensate for the non-hipster's insecurities.

But even if you are the person labelling a hipster a hipster you're still a hipster to somebody.

That's the reason the hipster label has caught so much ground in the last five to ten years. It gives insecure people the opportunity to downgrade people with electric tastes or superior intellect to them because they do not understand these cultural trends - leading to confusion, anger and the hipster labelling.

You don't have good taste in music. You don't dress in a creative way. You're not smart. You're a hipster.

Sometimes the hipster label is justified, which just confuses the entire situation. There are plenty of people who dress in a certain way or claim to enjoy certain books or movies as a means of creating an empty persona.

I guess that's what happens in a society where everybody is taught to be different and creative. We all inevitably all end up looking the same and saying the same things because that is most people's interpretations of being 'different' and 'creative' - wearing a fake moustache or a vintage dress. It's a matter of intention, really.

Honestly, what is funny about moustaches? Absolutely nothing. Unless you have some intense obsession with the aesthetic appeal of moustaches there is absolutely no reason to slap the image on all of your belongings.

Except if you're trying to follow a cultural trend. Except if you're a hipster.

This is where a lot of the anger surrounding the hipster label comes from. The people who are genuinely involved in cultural sub-groups or at least believe they are, end being pigeonholed with the people who do not understand the cultural trends they're parading.

There is no solution here; there is no way to tell who is real and who is a hipster. There is only your personal judgment and that is never a good thing. Judging a person by what they wear or what band they listen to is probably the most quintessential hipster aspect.

See what I mean? Everybody is a hipster.

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